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Exciting update about our fencing sponsee, Phoebe Newton-Hughes

Updated: May 19, 2022

Despite being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as ME) at the start of the 2018/19 season, our superstar fencing sponsee, Phoebe has rallied remarkably and we’re delighted to report that she’s almost back at normal health levels and has moved to London to train full time with coach Chris Galesloot.

The move has reaped rewards and this weekend Phoebe was the 5th highest ranked British fencer in the U20 Eden Cup finishing 61st out of 137 on Saturday and on Sunday she finished 54th out of 120 (6th highest British fencer) in the U23 Leon Paul London Cup. This has moved Phoebe from 19th to 7th place in the national rankings.

Back in October it was also announced that Phoebe had been selected to be a mentee for The True Athlete Project. She has been very fortunate to be paired with Keith Cook who will support her as she works towards her goals and helps to develop a more positive and compassionate approach to sport for all.

Phoebe, who started fencing aged 10 and was first selected to fence for England aged 12, is delighted with the difference the sports vision assessment has made and is grateful for the sponsorship: “Fencing is an expensive sport, so Alex’s contribution in terms of his expertise and help with my contact lenses is extremely valuable.”

Following her sports vision assessment, Phoebe’s former coach, Adam Blight “saw immediate improvements in Phoebe’s use of the blade. I really think more fencers should look into this; it really is a neglected part of our sport.”

Congratulations, Phoebe, we’re all delighted for you and wish you a great 2019/20 season.

Phoebe is pictured right competing in the Leon Paul London Cup.


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