Discover our daily and monthly disposable lenses
Contact Lenses
During Covid restrictions we have been advised to let patients learn about applying and removing soft or removing rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses by using video tutorials.
We supply all the major contact lens brands including:
Bausch + Lomb
Are contact lenses for you?
Major advances in contact lens design mean that almost everyone can wear contact lenses these days.
Here are the benefits:
Many common eyesight defects can be treated using contact lenses
Bifocal lenses are available for those who find it difficult to shift focus
Most people see better with contact lenses than with glasses
All round freedom and convenience
Choosing the right contact lenses?
First, you’ll need to visit us to have an eye examination. We’ll determine the strength of lenses required, the level of lubrication needed and the curvature and diameter of your cornea.
Then we review the types of lenses available to you from the following kinds:
Soft Lenses These are the most popular because they’re easy to adapt to and more comfortable to wear. Made from a material containing water, they're very gentle on your eyes but will need to be replaced quite frequently.
Gas Permeable Lenses If your eyes require extra oxygen or if you have a high degree of astigmatism then these lenses are designed to allow more oxygen to pass the surface of the eye. They may take a little longer to get used to but will last longer than soft lenses.
Disposable Lenses Becoming increasingly popular as they eliminate the need for a lens care routine although depending on the type of lens and the wearing environment, the frequency of replacement can vary significantly from daily to monthly or more.
UV Blocking Lenses Discover the Contact Lens That Knows Light™ - ACUVUE® OASYS with Transitions™ with Light Intelligent Technology™
Are you one of the 64% of the population who admits to being bothered by bright light daily?
When it comes to light that bothers you, ACUVUE® OASYS with Transitions™ helps you enjoy each moment while reducing the stressful impact that light can have on your eyes.
In addition to the above we also offer special use lenses to enhance the look of traditional lenses, such as Freshlook coloured contact lenses.
How much do they cost?
You can trial our contact lenses for £25
Contact lens check up £55
Contact lens check (with eye examination and Optomap) £130
Monthly disposable contact lens schemes start from £13/month (includes all fees, solutions and lenses +20% off Specs)
Daily disposable contact lenses are also available
Looking after your lenses
Unless you wear daily disposable lenses, cleaning and disinfecting contact lenses are essential to ensure good vision and healthy eyes.
There are many different cleaning and care products available and the most appropriate type will depend on your lens type, the replacement frequency and your eyes themselves. We will make sure you use the most appropriate solutions for your lens needs.
Contact lens application and removal
Here is a useful video showing how to apply and remove your contact lenses. Please note it is worth considering having your contact lenses set up but a mirror with bright lighting somewhere other than the bathroom. You will always wash your hands before applying or removing your lenses but you don’t want your lenses to get tap water on them so make sure your hands are dry before handling them. Leave your case if you use one open to air dry when you are wearing your lenses. You should get a new case every month with your solutions, make sure to keep the case clean as well as the lenses.
We also recycle contact lenses and packaging at both practices feel free to use our paper Alex Gage bags to collect the used lenses and packaging to bring back when you next collect your lenses.
Daily disposable lenses usually arrive the right way round in the package so take care removing them, as shown in the video.
You can find more information about contact lenses from the British Contact Lens Association
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